
aerial silkschildren groups

Julia Kozhevnikova

Julia is a talented athlete, winner of competitions, performer and creator of show performances.

“I’ve been fond of sports since the very childhood: aerobics, acrobatics, dancing – all that took a significant part of my life, – Julia says. – In 2015 I came across a video with aerial silks and my heart started to beat quicker: I felt a strong wish to learn this unusual, extreme and plastic type of art. Right after I went to the class and since then haven’t stopped: aerial gymnastics is my passion!”

Julia perceives aerial gymnastics for like an art rather than sport. Her training feature is improvisation as one of the ways to feel the music.


Pole Cup «Meteorite» 2018 – 1 place Aerial silks. Professionals
Students’ Spring 2018 (Chelyabinsk) – 3 place Aerial silks solo
No Gravity Art 2017 – 2 place Aerial silks professionals
Pole Cup «Meteorite» 2016 – 1 place Aerial silks amateurs

Participations in competitions:

No Gravity Art 2016, Russian and CIS countries Cup on Aerial Acrobatics 2018 (finalist)


Pole Positions Concert 2018